Genuine Nordic Vodka

Genuine Nordic Vodka

Monday, February 20, 2017


Aisee nimechekajeeeee,,
Men these two wamenientertain si ki Ngese,,
Daxx na Calisah walivyokutana Live Live in Fidelines voice.
Ila sijajua kama walimwambia Daxx kama Calisah was in the buildning na kama hawakumwambia that is wrong na hatari kwani hawa atleast wameongea je ingeweza kuwa mmoja kaja na kuanza mdunda mwenzake mngefanyaje?
Be Ethical and Do better for the safety of your guests.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hapana. Host simwelewi kabisa anavyowacheka guests.
You can do better than this sensational stuff.

Yaani hii ingeweza kuenda pabaya.
Daxx anasema ye anaongea ukweli.
Nani atakusikiliza unaongea with such condescension?
He didn't have to belittle Calisah.
I hope Calisah uses this anger positively to motivate him in his career.
The Bible says do not despise small beginnings.