Genuine Nordic Vodka

Genuine Nordic Vodka

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WHAT AN IMAGE,mwili umenisisimuka!!!

This is one of the most dramatic pictures of the month. Photo captured from an Italian Navy helicopter of migrants (Africans & Syrians) crammed like sardines into a small boat trying to make it into Europe for a better life...,

Peace can't come soon enough. The top 1% in this world can feed and house the entire world's population 500 times over with their trillions yet they watch fellow human beings live in fear and desperation

 I just think europeans should be reminded that in times of extreme misery in the 19th century, they were the ones immigrating themselves.
I am brazilian and my grandparents are Italian. They all went to Brazil when times were hard in Europe and worked
a lot to make a living. Italy is a part of our history today.
The same happened to other countries.
Some people are just trying to survive and have a life, I think it is really cruel to close the doors for that. I really believe everyone can work together with the right policies. When I see this picture I can only think of people who really need help. Immigration is not new.

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